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Together against loneliness: FUTUDÍS Foundation is looking for friends!

FUTUDÍS Foundation launches its Christmas campaign to raise awareness about the social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities.

Despite living in a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, unwanted loneliness is still an issue that persists today. This is particularly true for persons with intellectual disabilities, who often have to deal with prejudices and social marginalisation. According to a survey conducted by the FUTUDÍS Foundation, 70% of 198 participants with intellectual disabilities stated that they suffer from a lack of friends to share their free time and common interests with. This is where FUTUDÍS steps in.

The FUTUDÍS Foundation has been working for 30 years in the field of intellectual disability, and has been working to tackle this problem since 1995, launching a project called UNO-A-UNO. The ambitious goal of this project was to find volunteers that could become friends with each of the 523 persons with intellectual disabilities supported by this volunteering programme.

This year, FUTUDÍS is launching their campaign ‘Visible Friends’, which aims to not only find more volunteers and friends, but also to collect donations to support the UNO-A-UNO programme. You can send a donation and a personal message to the persons assisted by FUTUDÍS, who will also receive a box of sweets donated by El Corte Inglés and Cuétara.

To read this news in Spanish, please go to their newsletter.