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Tickets now open for Dyslexia Institute UK's upcoming conference this September!

Dyslexia Institute UK is hosting an online conference on the 9-10th September, with over 30 leading experts covering a wide range of dyslexia relates themes.

Dyslexia Institute UK is hosting its online conference on the 9-10th September, covering a wide range of dyslexia relates themes.

With over 30 of the world's leading experts coming to speak, the event will discuss topics such as:

  • Why is it a battle to get support?
  • Being black and dyslexic;
  • Do dyslexics struggle in relationships;
  • Dyslexia in European adults;
  • New ideas for phonics teaching and dyslexia;
  • Teaching maths to dyscalculics
  • Why intonation is problematic for dyslexic readers;
  • How dyslexia support can depend on where you live;
  • What does quality emotional support look like for dyslexics?
  • How can we better support dyslexic pupils and keep them out of trouble?
  • Uderstanding visual stress.
  • How can we see the positive qualities of dyslexia?

Moreover, key leaders in the field of assistive technology support for people living with dyslexia will present key findings and analysis. Moreover, you will have the chance to book 1:1 appointments, attend group presentations, and book follow up meetings with all these great companies!


General admission tickets are now on sale which you can find by clicking here!

Student tickets are also available for a discounted price.

You can also find an article written by Director of Dyslexia Institute UK himself, Roger Broadbent, discussing the link between dyslexia and prejudice. Click here to read it!