• Reports and studies, Ageing

The availability, accessibility, and quality of support services for older persons with disabilities in Greece

The report focuses on existing policies, prospects, and needs concerning support for older persons with disabilities in Greece.

Short Description

Older people with disabilities and developmental disorders constitute a large and closely related category which permeates the entire range of services provided to older persons. This study looks at Greece and highlights existing policies, prospects, and needs concerning support for older persons with disabilities. The system is mixed: formal and informal care coexist, primary responsibility of financial and practical support lies with the family, although in the last decade provision of long-term care (LTC) services increased. These services however are not clearly addressing the needs and special characteristics of older persons with disabilities and therefore the study calls for coordinated action to develop a comprehensive system of care provision with a substantial set of measures for older persons with disabilities.



Vasilis Kasimatis


EASPD. (2022) The availability, accessibility, and quality of support services for older persons with disabilities in Greece. Brussels.


Brussels, February 2022