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Take part in our project COM-IN

COM-IN wants to hear from professionals working with youths with intellectual developmental disabilities aged from 10 to 25 years.

COM-IN’s core focus is promoting communicative development in adolescents and young adults with intellectual developmental disabilities to support their inclusion.

People with intellectual developmental disabilities need to be supported in making and expressing their decisions in daily communicating environments. Support for young adults is still scarce, and there is no harmonisation at the European level in appropriate strategies, educational programmes, or in the training of professionals working with these individuals. Indeed, there are strong disparities between the Member States on this subject, which have led to different professional approaches and practices. . 

This questionnaire is aimed professionals working with youths with intellectual developmental disabilities aged from 10 to 25 years. The project's final aim is to create training and guides dedicated to professionals to help people with intellectual developmental disabilities to communicate more effectively and promote their rights. Through this survey we would like to know more about current professional practices concerning these skills and understand what the needs are.

In the set of questions, you will find some open questions intended to allow you to express your thoughts and comments. They are not mandatory but we encourage you to fill them. They will help us to improve our materials.

The questionnaire itself is very detailed and all questions included are optional. On average, the whole questionnaire should take around 30 minutes of your time, but those 30 minutes will be invaluable to our research.

We kindly request that you and all relevant members of your organisation complete this questionnaire if possible. We also encourage you to forward this email on to any other professionals you think could be interested in and may benefit from this project.

This questionnaire is available in the following languages:

Thank you in advance for your time and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

The survey will be open until the end of February 2023.

Read the COM-IN project brochure for more information.

Main contact: christelle.declercq@univ-reims.fr