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Supported living: PETAGMA Association celebrates 20 years of success

Many hands overlapped

PETAGMA Association will host a Conference to celebrate 20 years of work in the field of supported living.

Supported living is central to guaranteeing an independent life to people with intellectual disabilities and their families. The Greek Parents Association for the Supported Living of People with Intellectual Disabilities (PETAGMA) has been working hard over the past 20 years to promote high-quality, autonomous lives for its members.

To celebrate this achievement, PETAGMA will host the conference ‘20 Years of Good Quality Life in the Community’ on 18th November 2022. This event will also be a chance to reflect on Supported Living Accommodation facilities in Greece, as well as what they envision for the future.

Practical details

The conference will take place from 09:00 to 17:00 on 18th November 2022 at the National Hellenic Research Foundation and will be available via online streaming. Interpretation from English to Greek will be available.

To learn more about the conference visit the webpage.

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