Support service providers and art and culture: survey on cooperation with cultural centres
EASPD's Art and Culture Member Forum are producing a study together with the European Network of Cultural Centres on how support service providers and cultural centres can work together to guarantee the participation of persons with disabilities in cultural life.
The study will look at both cultural providers and disability service providers in the light of the necessity for them to respond to the commitments outlined in the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The article 30 of this convention, in particular, engages them to:
- take all necessary measures to guarantee the right of persons with disabilities to participate in cultural life on an equal basis with others,
- take appropriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to develop and utilise their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of society.
Go to the survey to respond before 17/12/21.
What brings cultural centres and disability service providers together?
We believe that cultural organisations and service providers for person with disabilities are ideal partners to work together on the inclusion and cultural rights of persons with disabilities. Taking that into consideration, we, as professionals from the arts/culture or disability fields, can ask ourselves:
- How can we start this type of collaboration?
- Or, if we already collaborate , how can we improve our work?
- What can we do to present the creative and artistic potential of persons with disabilities to a wider audience?
Why should you respond to this survey ?
Whether your organisation provides (or struggles/fails to provide) cultural programmes and activities designed for (or made by) persons with disabilities, or provides services for persons with disabilities, having your feedback to this survey will be very useful.
It will contribute to a better understanding of the current degree of cooperation between Art & Culture Providers and Disability Service providers and will ultimately help formulate concrete recommendations for intensifying that cooperation and achieving the mission defined by Article 30 of the UNCRPD.
Who should respond?
- Arts and Culture organisations such as: cultural centres, community centres, other arts and culture organizations, arts education providers...
- Disability Service providers such as: daycare centres, NGOs, educational institutions for persons with disabilities...
Practical details
It will only take you a few minutes to complete this short survey.
Before you start, please note that:
- sections marked with asterisk (*) must be answered before you can continue
- optional sections are marked with (OPTIONAL)
- if corrections are necessary, it is best to use the "Back" and "Next" buttons to navigate between sections
- after clicking on the "Submit" button at the end, you will receive a confirmation that your answers have been registered.
The deadline to respond is December 17th, 2021.
We cherish anonymity and voluntary participation
Your participation remains voluntary and anonymous. All received information will be used for this survey exclusively and will be made available only to the survey team and coordinator, on a need-to-know basis. All information that published at the end of this survey will be aggregated (grouped); your individual answers will not be distinguishable from the group.
Questions ?
Please contact and