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Sharing of innovative practices within the disability field can help boost service transformation

How can we best foster service transformation? FIRAH’s new report looks at the importance of supporting the sharing of innovative practices in order to accelerate service transformation and modernisation. Learn more about their recommendations here.


FIRAH (The International Foundation for Applied Research on Disability) has published a new report on the "Transfer of innovative practices in the field of disability - What operational approaches can support transfer of knowledge in the field?"

The report is broken down into 5 sections, with each exploring the most effective ways to share innovative practices in the field of disability.

Part 1: The key to fostering service transformation and modernisation is through the transfer of innovative practices.

Part 2: The challenges of sharing such innovative practices in the field of disability.

Part 3: Highlights studies in the field on the sharing of innovative practice in Public Health and in the Social and Solidarity Economy sector.

Part 4: Taking into account the above, the report draws up recommendations in view of the specificities of disability.

Part 5: The final section proposes a structured and operational approach for the transfer of innovative practices.

This report was produced as a continuation of the FIRAH experience by combining the knowledge of field workers and researchers. It provides elements for continuing to reflect on the participatory dynamics and the operational will to spread practices in the field.

"The transfer of innovations in the field of disability - What operational approaches to support transfer in the field?" is the first achievement of the new Transfer of Innovations Program coordinated by FIRAH.

This program aims to support the sharing of innovations in the field of disability in line with the UN CRPD, particularly in the areas of free choice, non-discrimination, full participation, equal opportunities, and accessibility. Transfer is key to increasing the impact of innovations and accelerating the transformation of society.

FIRAH's Transfer of Innovations program also includes a research component in partnership with the PHARes team (Population Health Research Center, Inserm) and a component that will offer training by 2024 for organizations and individuals wishing to provide operational support for the sharing of field innovations.

To read the full report in French, press the button below!

Read the report here