• News, Technology

RightToConnect project held multiplier events in Austria and Paris

Photo from the RightToConnect multiplier event. Taken from the back, showing the conference.

On 11th and 12th July, Johannes Kepler University Linz organised a transnational event with the purpose of sharing the outputs of the RightToConnect project. Find out more here!

On 11th and 12th July, Johannes Kepler University Linz organised a transnational event with the purpose of sharing the outputs of the RightToConnect project. The event was held in collaboration with the IKT Forum conference which was held in Austria. On day one, a lead accessibility researcher shared information about the project, whilst on day two, the importance of digital inclusion practices, competence development, and e-learning courses co-designed by persons with intellectual disabilities was highlighted.

During the event, an Austrian co-design team from Atempo showcased an interactive game that they developed, which played a crucial role for persons with intellectual disabilities to becoming co-designers, rather than just testing the game after it has been designed. This is central as it includes and gives real agency to persons with disabilities in the conceptualisation and execution of the project.

Furthermore, the demonstration of various assistive technologies such as ChatGPT, speech-to-text tools, Seeing AI, Google Lens, and Mackey-Mackey highlighted the opportunities of such technologies to improve digital accessibility and inclusion for persons with intellectual disabilities.  Prominent experts and researchers in the field of digital accessibility spoke at the event.

On 30th of August and 1st  of September, RightToConnect project partners participated in the 17 th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) to circulate the project results. During the oral presentation session, a literature review on digital inclusion for persons with intellectual disabilities was presented, as well as a case study on exploring the role of co-researching in the peer learning digital skills development and accessible e-learning platform.

More about the project

The RightToConnect project (RTCN) addresses the rapidly changing and progressing technological landscape of everyday life, by wanting to create a space of equal opportunities for involvement for persons with intellectual disabilities. The project provides an e-learning platform, co-designed with persons with intellectual disabilities, the goal of which is to help improve social inclusion.

You can learn more about the project here.