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RightToConnect partners met online for their third transnational project meeting

Picture of RTCN project partners during their online meeting

Talking about their latest e-learning platform, RTCN project partners met online.

Last week RightToConnect (RTCN) project partners met online for their third transnational project meeting to discuss the status of the project. This EU funded project  contributes to bridging the digital divide by creating accessible digital tools for people with intellectual disabilities. It was a fruitful two-day meeting as all co-design partners from Austria, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Ireland shared the state of play of their on-going training materials development.

On the first day of the meeting, partners de-briefed the two policy sessions organised at the AAATE conference in Paris towards August end. On behalf of the Irish co-design team, Patrick Fitzgerald presented the draft digital competence framework which has also been co-designed with persons with intellectual disabilities. Lead accessibility researcher, Aashish Verma shared the progress of the methodological guidelines which will allow all developers to be aware about the digital accessibility requirements for people with disabilities.

On day two, the technical team of the e-learning platform, Hermes, together with all co-design partner (AIAS Bologna, Atempo, FJC, and SJOG) identified the accessibility updates in the current prototype of the e-learning platform.The central factor if the meeting was the e-learning platform . The platform will be ready by end of October as planned for all co-designers to start using for their courses. Once launched, the platform will be available in five national languages (English, Italian, Greek, Spanish, and German). The meeting ended with an agreement to meet in Bologna for the last face-to-face meeting.

Know more about the project here.