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Responding to violence against women with disabilities

Three young adult women sit next to each other and smile.

The RESPONSE project aims to increase the knowledge and capacity of services to address gender-based violence against women with disabilities

On the 21st of April, the RESPONSE partnership met online for the project's first meeting. The project aims to increase the knowledge and capacity of services to address gender-based violence against women with disabilities. For the next 2 years, the consortium will work to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and the cooperation among the disability sector and the victim’s sector. During the meeting, the project consortium set the next steps to follow in order to produce the first project result: a State of The Art Report presenting a general overview of good practices, learning needs, key actors and gaps at both European and country levels.

The project is led by EASPD and is developed in collaboration with 6 EASPD members covering in total 7 EU countries: Plena Inclusion from Spain, Fenacerci from Portugal, Jaunuolių Dienos Centras from Lithuania, Eudajmonia from Poland, Centre de la Gabrielle from France, and Hand in Hand Foundation from Hungary).

The consortium will meet for their kick-off meeting in France at the end of May. They will discuss the State of The Art Report in more detail and how together they can achieve the project's objectives.

Stay tuned for more information regarding the RESPONSE project!