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Registrations are open for EASPD's training course on Inclusive Education in Greece!

Teacher with blonde hair smiling sitting next to a pupil with a disability who is also smiling.

Register now for the training course on Inclusive Education co-led by EASPD and AMIMONI.

Registrations are open for the 8th edition of the 'Building an Inclusive school for All' training, which will be held in Athens, Greece.

Co-hosted by the European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities (EASPD) and the Panhellenic Association of Parents Guardians and Friends of Multiply Disabled Visually Impaired People (AMIMONI), this training course aims to develop the understanding and expertise of teachers, trainers, headmasters, and school staff on inclusive education for persons with disabilities. The course provides a certificate delivered by a European organisation.

The training offers a framework for the further development and promotion of inclusive education, as well as a hands-on experience in the planning of such an approach. During the course, information and discovery sessions will alternate with discussion groups, peer group support and reflection sessions. The methods used will offer in the first place an individual learning pathway, supported by a reflection and learning portfolio.

The course will be conducted in English, and is limited to 30 places, which will be given on a first come, first served basis. There is participation fee, which will change depending on your country.