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Raising awareness about burnout in parents and professionals

The Burn Out FREE ECI online event presented how they are supporting parents of children with disabilities and ECI professionals.

Social workers, parents of children with special needs, teachers and many others gathered online on May 27 2024 to learn more about the Burnout FREE ECI project.  

Over 80 people from around Bulgaria and Greece became more familiar with the project’s objectives and heard firsthand from professionals about the theory behind the training materials.

Burn Out FREE ECI aims to better support children with disabilities, their parents and the professionals supporting them by bringing them together. The idea is that professionals working in ECI services and parents collaborate, mutually empower each other and exchange experiences and practices. Through this cooperation they hope to reduce the stress and risk of burnout for parents and professionals.

In October, the project will release a hub that will allow all those interested to connect, share scientific knowledge, tools, practices and other resources. Keep an eye on the project website for updates!