• News, Early Childhood Intervention

Progress updates on EASPD's position paper on Family-Centred Early Childhood Intervention

A month has passed since the launch of EASPD’s position paper on family-centred Early Childhood Intervention (ECI), which is gathering growing international support.


A month has passed since the launch of EASPD’s position paper on family-centred Early Childhood Intervention (ECI), which is gathering growing international support.

Family-centred ECI services are built in partnership with the parents, around the needs of the family and child. Without this kind of support there are more risks for the early development of cognitive, emotional and social skills, all of which are crucial to the child’s potential overall wellbeing and development.

The  position paper aims to raise the visibility of ECI at European Union (EU) and national level. It describes what family-centred Early Childhood Intervention is and why it is needed and highlights key challenges and recommendations for the EU and national governments in the creation of quality ECI systems.

The paper launch marks the start of a campaign to gather signatures from the organisations and individuals that support its contents. In the last month we doubled the number of organisations supporting it, by reaching the number of 30.

EASPD Macedonian member PORAKA also took the initiative of translating the paper in Macedonian in order to use it as a tool for national advocacy. In the following months other translations will follow. This version can be found on our website by clicking here.

If you think family-centred ECI is crucial and should be a priority of national and EU policies, don’t hesitate to click the button below and show your support!

Endorse our position paper