PROGRESS Call for tender: Research on Innovative Frameworks measuring the Quality of services for Persons with Disabilities

EASPD is looking for a Researcher/Research team to carry out a study on Innovative Frameworks measuring the Quality of services for Persons with Disabilities. The deadline to apply is 25/07/2021.


EASPD is the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities. We are a European not-for-profit organisation and represent over 17,000 social service provider organisations across both Europe and disability. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.


Tender specification

EASPD is looking for a Researcher/Research team to carry out a study on Innovative Frameworks measuring the Quality of services for Persons with Disabilities.

Main elements of work

As part of its “Commit!” Work Programme 2021 (implementation of activity ?), EASPD is looking for a Researcher/Research team to carry out a study on Innovative Frameworks measuring the Quality of services for Persons with Disabilities. In March 2021, the European Commission published the new European Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. The Flagship Initiative to build a European Framework for Social Services of Excellence for Persons with Disabilities by 2024 is of the outmost importance for EASPD and its members. To support this initiative, EASPD launches this study with the following objectives:

2.1  The study should focus on:

  • Providing an overview of frameworks measuring the quality of services for persons with disabilities:
    • which are outcomes-based,
    • focusing on the quality-of-life concept
    • and/ or are aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This research shall identify different frameworks developed and/or used by services providers across Europe and globally and may also include pilot projects.
  • Conducting a literature review to identify quality indicators which are relevant to measure the quality of services for persons with disabilities, and are focused on outcomes-based approaches, on the quality-of-life framework and/ or are aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Developing an evidence-based proposal on how EASPD could develop a framework to measure the quality of services, which is focused on an outcome-based approach, on the quality-of-life concept and is aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities. This proposal will contribute to the work of EASPD on the upcoming initiative for a European Framework for Social Services of Excellence.

2.2  The research shall focus on identifying frameworks built in different countries, across Europe and globally, belonging to different welfare regimes, while respecting a geographical balance. Therefore, a linguistic expertise or contacts with relevant researchers from different countries is required. The researcher may suggest specific countries based on the pertinence and representativity of the frameworks and on the availability of data; however, a final decision on the countries should be taken with EASPD.

2.3  The research is expected to be done through desktop research & interviews with relevant stakeholders. The target audience is primarily service providers, academics as well as decision-makers, policy officers and national and regional authorities.

2.4  The Researcher/Research team is expected to deliver:

  1. A report containing the main findings of the study. This report shall provide:

a.     an overview of innovative frameworks measuring the Quality of services for Persons with Disabilities, analyzing the way they are applied, the impact they have generated and the challenges identified;

b.     a comprehensive list of quality indicators identified through literature review;
c.      and a proposal with practical steps on how EASPD could develop a framework to measure the quality of services for persons with disabilities.
d.     These findings shall follow the description as mentioned in 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

2. An executive summary.

3. A first overview of the findings in a presentable format by mid-October.


Deadline for application: 25/07/2021
Response to application: 30/07/2021
Selected applicants are expected to take on the assignment starting as soon as possible.
Deadline for the deliverables: 15/12/2021

Expertise required

The researcher(s) will be expected to demonstrate:

  • Proven experience in the theme of this study.
  • Proven experience in coordinating international research projects and collaborative work;
  • Solid academic and/or professional background with regards to the social service sectors;
  • Experience in data collection, analysis and presentation;
  • Wide network of contacts and entry-points for collecting data at national level in EU countries; the selected candidate should ensure the processing of national data in local language(s)
  • Experience of writing accessible reports for an NGO and/or EU/national organisation readership;
  • Excellent command of English (written and oral)
  • An operational approach to the integration of good management principles, including correct personal data management in line with the requirements of the GDPR.
  • Only candidates from EU Member States are eligible for participating in the tender.


Selection and award criteria

The applicant(s) should submit the following documents until 25/07/2021; 23:59 CET:

  • motivation letter describing your expertise and explaining why you are the right candidate(-s) for the assignment (not more than 1 page).
  • technical proposal explaining how you plan to conduct the research, including a review of what has already been done, a proposed methodology, a work plan, resources needed, budget, etc. (not more than 2-3 pages).
  • CV, including the list of published articles, reports, studies if relevant.

Only selected candidates will be contacted.


Content of the bids

The tenderer will ensure that their bid clearly identifies how they meet the selection criteria. It would also be useful to see examples of previous work demonstrating their ability to write and present in English to a primarily NGO audience.


Payments and standard contract 

Payment will be made on receipt of the Draft Deliverables and the Final Deliverables, 40% and 60% respectively.
Only validated deliverables will be accepted and fully compensated.
The Contract will be drawn up between EASPD and the contractor.



The estimated price is within the range of EUR 15.000 - EUR 25.000, all taxes included.
The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer represents the best value for money, taking into account the quality of submitted document and individual expertise. The contract will only be awarded to a tenderer who clearly proves that they have knowledge, experience and expertise which match at least 70% of the selection criteria.

Contact Details

Please send bids to Konstantina Leventi, Policy & Project Officer, European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD):