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One year of the European Care Strategy

Photo of a young woman reading alongside an older woman, sitting in a chair, with sun coming through the window.

The European Care Strategy was presented by the European Commission in 2022. Find out more about it here!

The European Care Strategy was presented by the European Commission in 2022. Since the introduction of the Strategy numerous actions have been launched, in close cooperation with Member States, social partners, and stakeholders, to assure quality, affordable and accessible care services across the European Union.

Supporting policy reforms for high-quality affordable long-term care  

Member States took a variety of different actions, including the appointment of national long-term care coordinators/contact points to design and monitor national reforms. The Strategy also includes a series of mutual learning events, where national coordinators and experts can gather to focus on long-term care quality.

18 Member States are also tapping into the Recovery and Resilience Fund to support national reforms, and at least 5 Member States are due to receive technical assistance to design long-term care reforms from the European Commission. There is also additional EU funding support available through a series of organisations.

The training of informal carers will be supported by the partnership between the European Commission and the World Health Organization. This partnership will also help Member States design national reforms.

Improving working conditions in the care sector  

 A  large-scale skills partnership for long-term care was set up in April 2023 by care services, education and training providers, and social partners.

The new European social dialogue committee for social services was established on 10 July 2023. Its aim is to bring together employers and trade unions of the sector - at a cross-sectoral and sectoral level - to discuss, consult, negotiate, and take joint action on various issues of interest to the European Union, as well as to the sectors involved.
You can also learn about the European social dialogue, and the partnership to drive up skills for long-term care ,  both of which EASPD supported, in our own press releases.  

Early child education and care 

A communication campaign, launched in 2023, addresses gender stereotypes which still affect equal sharing of childcare between parents.

The implementation of the Work/Life Balance Directive 2019/1158 for parents and carers continues to be monitored by the Commission. One of the objectives of the directive is to provide non-transferable paternity and parental leaves for fathers, to secure a more equal share of care responsibilities between genders.


The European Care Strategy supports the implementation of the principles stated in the Barcelona targets  on early childhood education and care, the European Pillar of Social Rights, and more. Topics such as gender equality, work-life balance, childcare and support to children and long-term care are especially crucial.

There are 3 EU social headline targets on employment, skills and poverty reduction for 2030 that the European Care Strategy and Long-Term Care Recommendation will contribute to achieving.

To find out more about the European Care Strategy and its goals and actions, click here!