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More inclusiveness in the tourism sector for World Tourism Day

The theme for this year's World Tourism Day is "Tourism for Inclusive Growth". EASPD is a partner in the In-Tour project which plans to contribute to the inclusiveness of the sector.

On the 27th of September, we celebrate World Tourism Day!

The theme for this year's celebration is "Tourism for Inclusive Growth". In its written message, the UN Secretary-General recognises "the power and potential of tourism to advance prosperity and drive inclusive, sustainable development" and the fact that the sector enables "historically marginalised people and those at risk of being left behind to benefit from development that is local and direct."

The tourism sector suffered considerably under the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change is affecting many tourist destinations. Today more than ever, there is a need to rethink the sector and make it more inclusive and sustainable.

Accessible and Inclusive Tourism is a social right that concerns all citizens. Only by supporting the advancement of accessible facilities, products, and services can tourism be truly open for everyone to enjoy.

Moreover, inclusiveness in the tourism sector is only achievable when the professionals within the tourism industry have the necessary knowledge on accessibility. 

EASPD is a partner in the EU funded In-Tour project. In-Tour will define the competencies that Inclusive Tourism professions should have to overcome the gap between the supply and the demand for accessible services in the tourism market. The project will then give managers and personnel in the tourism sector the needed knowledge, skills, and competencies to provide adequate services for all customers, especially those with special access requirements. 

Check out the www.in-tour.eu/ to find out more about how the project plans to make tourism more enjoyable for all.