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Membership Survey 2022: EASPD wants to hear from members

Yellow background with three small emoji faces made out of wood in the middle. From left to right, one face is frowning, the next is neutral, and the last one is smiling. A hand reaches for the smiley face.

EASPD Members, this is your chance to give us feedback and to highlight priorities you wish to see us address in the future. Survey has closed.

This year is coming to an end, which means it is time for us, at EASPD, to reflect on our progress, achievements and, most importantly, areas that could do with improvement. A big part of this reflection is conducting our Membership Survey of our 2022 EASPD External Evaluation.

The Membership Survey is an opportunity for our members to provide EASPD with feedback and to highlight priorities they wish to see EASPD address in the next few years. The feedback and data collected will also be incorporated into our annual evaluation report, which will then be reviewed by our Secretariat and Board Members.

The survey is anonymous and open until 31st December, 2022.

Take the survey