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Members Voice: “Creativity is the key”

Read what VTC Margarita has to say about making inclusive art a reality.

In September 2020, VTC Margarita decided to invest in the development of an ambitious Arts Department. For us, Art is not just a medium of self-understanding and expression, but also supports the communication and the autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities.

Our Atelier provides the space, the tools and the -much needed- freedom for our beneficiaries to explore, discover and shape their own artistic identities. Creativity is the key that unlocks hidden potential and now, more than ever, we know, that every artist needs a space to thrive.

In Art Brut or Outsider Art, the art of the excluded, inclusion and the unquestionable artistic credit are taken for granted. It is a source of extreme uniqueness and raw creativity, a soulful overflow on the canvases, without merging with the art currents of the time.

Our team supports the artists’ genuine and independent personalities to come together and create individual or collaborative works. It really is up to them to decide how they want to spend their time in the Atelier, which materials they want to use and trust me, they know best, when an artwork is finished!

A few weeks back, at the opening of “First Harvest” exhibition at 13m2 Gallery, our artists proudly introduced themselves to the audience, revealed the stories behind their artworks and bragged to journalists about their achievements.

“.. And if you want to know, one of my artworks has been published in the newspaper!” Stella said to a journalist, whilst Mary confirmed the positive impact of Art on us by stating “I feel beautiful when I paint”. Giorgos explained how strict, clear and balanced sketches bring him pleasure and that is something that can immediately be confirmed if you have a look at his artworks or his workspace at the Atelier. The exact opposite from Michalis, who will always try to artistically capture the infinite essence of the universe.

There is no reason to describe how public events or a painting being sold benefit our people, because Art itself has transformative powers; it can create a vast range of feelings. And feelings have nothing to do with disability.

Art is our common language.

You can virtually visit our exhibition here

And get a glimpse of what is happening at 13m2 Gallery:



Eva Dermitzaki

Project Manager | Arts Department, VTC MARGARITA