• Thursday 20 April - 10:00 - 12:00
  • Events

Launch of the Partnership for Skills in Long Term Care: Driving Up Training and Life Long Learning

On 20th April during our webinar, we will present the Skills Partnership Agreement which aims to improve skills of long term care workers in Europe.

The Long Term Care sector largely includes care for older persons and support for persons with disabilities. The sector is undergoing changes and is growing rapidly, marked both by the growth in demand, as well as evolving expectations as to what people want from long-term care services. Long Term Care is also impacted by both the digital transition, as well as the transformation of the sector towards home and community-based care.

The European Care Strategy highlights all these aspects, demonstrating the cross-European difficulties affected by the sector. It also points towards the need to upskill and re-skill LTC workers, who are often insufficiently trained in areas such as digitalisation and person-centred care and support. This impacts the quality of the care and support provided, as well as the quality of the jobs created.

To find concrete and strategic solutions to these issues, the following six European organisations have come together:

These organisations alongside their national partners will aim to set-up a Large Scale Partnership for Skills in Long Term Care for speeding up training and life long learning in the care sector.

Join us on the 20th April, from 10h00 to 12h00 CEST, for the launch of this Partnership and to discover what we aim to achieve and how we will go about it. Mr Nicholas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs & Social Rights, will open this launch event. 




Welcoming Remarks

  • Jim Crowe, President, EASPD


Opening Remarks 

  • Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs & Social Rights


Contextual Analysis of Agreement

  • Hans Dubois, Research Manager, Eurofound
  • Stelina Chatzichristou, Expert, CEDEFOP 


Presentation of the Large Scale Partnership for Skills in Long term Care

  • Thomas Bignal, Head of Policy, EASPD


Panel Discussion: Why This Partnership for Skills is Important

  • Sylvain Renouvel, Director, Federation of European Social Employers
  • Tuscany Bell, Policy Officer, Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)
  • Maria Nyman, Board Member, Social Services Europe and Secretary General of Caritas Europa
  • Jiri Horecky, President, European Ageing Network
  • Theodor Grassos, Secretary General, European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training


Reactions from key Stakeholders

  • Milan Brglez, Member of the European Parliament 
  • Pedro Moreno da Fonseca, Technical Specialist, International Labour Organisation 
  • Ana Llena Llozal, Senior Economist, OECD
  • Stefania Ilinca, Advisor, World Health Organisation
  • Philippe Seidel Leroy, Policy Manager, AGE Platform
  • Alvaro Couceiro, Policy Officer, European Disability Forum


Concluding Remarks

  • Laura Jones, President, Social Services Europe and Secretary General EPR