Last days to contribute to the Commission’s survey on SRPP

Deadline: Monday, 22 January, 2024
In the framework of the contract, ‘Training and Awareness-raising Activities on Socially Responsible Public Procurement’, an analysis on communication trends and practices around socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) across the EU is being carried out.
Your opportunity to make a difference!
In the spirit of inclusivity, contributions from the public sector, the social economy, and legal experts are welcome. Share your insights through a short survey designed to gather information on communication trends and practices across the EU. Your input is crucial in shaping the forthcoming communication campaign for this impactful endeavour.
Do you want to contribute? Here is the link to the survey:
The survey is short, available in all official EU languages and the deadline to respond has been extended to the 22nd of January 2024, offering a unique chance to make your voice heard in the journey towards a more sustainable and socially responsible public spending.
What is socially responsible public procurement?
Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is the idea that customers and buyers should look beyond the price of products and services, and consider how they are produced, sourced, and delivered.
Especially if applied to global businesses, socially responsible public procurement would allow to promote sustainability, ethical labour practices, social inclusion, and support for local businesses in the procurement process. The goal is to use procurement as a tool to achieve broader societal and environmental objectives.
The EU service contract “Training and Awareness-raising Activities in Socially Responsible Public Procurement” aims to organise events whose objective is to raise awareness on Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP). The events will be held in 12 member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain).