• Events

Knowledge Café on Inclusive Tourism

EASPD's Knowledge Café will explore how to make the tourism sector more inclusive for persons with disabilities.


With summer on its way many of us, including persons with disabilities, are looking forward to the opportunity to travel and start our summer holidays. Travelling can create many additional barriers for persons with disabilities however, with inaccessible airports or hotels, reduced access to normal support systems, or the need to adjust to a new routine. As the tourism sector begins to reopen, following the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the time to raise awareness amongst stakeholders of the benefits and opportunities of creating a more inclusive tourism sector.

With this in mind, the EASPD Knowledge and Innovation team is hosting a Knowledge Café on the future of inclusive tourism. The event will bring together different perspectives from stakeholders, including those working in the tourism industry, universities, service users and persons with disabilities, to share and learn more about successful initiatives to make tourism accessible for all. The discussion will highlight the key aspects of how to make the tourism sector more inclusive for persons with disabilities.

The webinar will aim to answer the following questions:

  • What is inclusive tourism and why is it important for persons with disabilities?
  • How can service providers better support tourism experiences for persons with disabilities?
  • What are the innovative techniques identified in the sector?
  • How is the cooperation between universities and service providers on accessible tourism?
  • What are the next steps and priorities for making tourism accessible for everyone?






  • Jim Crowe, EASPD’s president


Panel Discussion

Moderator: Emiliano Deferrari, ENAT

  • Yasmine Gray, Founder of GetAboutAble
  • Marco Pizzio, AISM and Coordinator of the In-Tour project
  • Emmanuel Fragnière & Benjamin Nachten, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
  • Sonia García-Fraile, ONCE




Closing Remarks