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Joint statement: Time for an ambitious European Long-Term Care Platform

16 logos on a white background from 16 different organisations.

Alongside 16 European organisations, EASPD has endorsed a joint statement calling for an ambitious European Long-Term Care platform.

Ahead of the upcoming event of the Belgian presidency of the European Union on the European Pillar of Social Rights in La Hulpe on 15 and 16 April 2024, EASPD has endorsed a joint statement calling for the establishment of an ambitious Long-Term Care platform at a European level. Alongside 16 European organisations, we call on EU policymakers to enhance the implementation of Pillar principle 18 on the right to long-term care under the Strategic Agenda for 2024-2029.

This is an essential first step to coordinate the urgent measures needed to address underinvestment, inadequate social protection, lack of person-centredness, and staff shortages in long-term care. Finally, in line with the call by the High-Level Group on the Future of Social Protection, long-term care must be supported by economic policies which prioritise care expenditure not as a cost, but as an investment to ensure sustainability of Europe’s economy.


AGE Platform Europe

Autism Europe

COFACE Families Europe

Caritas Europa



European Anti-Poverty Network

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities

European Federation for Family Employment and Home Care

European Federation for Services to Individuals

European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions

European Public Service Unions

Make Mothers Matter


Social Platform

UNI Europa

Read the full statement