IE+ Partners come together in Athens to promote evidence-based policy for inclusive education

Between 28th-30th January the partners in the IE+ project came together in Athens, Greece, to discuss the next steps for their 3-day training that aims to support the transition towards inclusive education.

Between 28th-30th January 2020, members of the 'Promoting positive attitudes and evidence-based policy for inclusive education' (IE+) Project kicked off the New Year with a look to the steps in their work to facilitate adequate policy frameworks for the real implementation of inclusion education.

Hosted in Athens, Greece by project partners, ESTIA, the meeting brought together partners and the project’s trainers to discuss the impact of the 5 pilot training sessions that were hosted in 2019. Held in Belgium, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Portugal the trainings brought together key decision-makers in the policy making process, such as ministers and authorities, education providers, teachers, parents and students to provide them with the information, training and tools that allow for evidence-based policy making to support the transition towards inclusive education.

Having been developed co-productively and localised to suit the national context of each country these courses were delivered alongside persons with disabilities, teachers, policy makers and parents to help stakeholders together shape the future policy making process in their regions.

The experiences of these trainings have been used to further develop the course, to increase its impact amongst participants. Now in its final year the IE+ partners, the National Association of Resource Teachers in Bulgaria, Kentro Koinonikis Frontidas Atomon Me Noitiki Ysterisi, Centro de Educação para o Cidadão com Deficiência, UNIA, Plena Inclusion, European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities, Inclusion Europe, Ghent University and the University of Salamanca will host a further two training session in each partner country. These trainings will be joined by a policy debate and a closing conference in Belgium which will again bring together key stakeholders to discuss the way forward for inclusive education across Europe .

To find out more about the IE+ project, visit the project webpage here.

For more information about the training and its trainings please contact