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Help the Helpdesk project by sharing promising practices

A person is holding a pink piggy bank with two hands. The face of the piggy bank is in the centre of the image.

Share promising practices that can help social services to access the European Social Fund Plus and the European Regional Development Fund.

The Helpdesk project is looking for promising practices related to projects funded by ESF+ (European Social Fund Plus) and ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)!

Within the framework of the Helpdesk project, the project partners are currently looking for promising practices that can facilitate social services in accessing ESF+ and ERDF funds. The aim of this activity is to shed light on the full range of options available to Managing Authorities to make the most of ESF+ and ERDF in social services.

Promising practices will be collected in the Helpdesk’s Booklet of Promising Practices and made available on the Helpdesk website.

In the Promising Practices form, you can find more information on what kind of practices the Helpdesk consortium is looking for. If you have one (or multiple) promising practice(s) that you would like to share, please fill the form and send it to fabiana.scarano@easpd.eu.

Promising Practices form