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Give ACCESSIBILITECH your feedback on accessible technologies via their new survey

The questionnaire will help the ACCESSIBILITECH project gather information about teleworking, telehealth and e-learning.

The pandemic was quite a turning point in our lives with a considerable increase in digitalisation. Making a shift to the trend of working, studying  and basically living life completely from home came with its own set of challenges.

Tackling the gaps that exist in making the digital space inclusive,  ACCESSIBILITECH project was started to identify accessible technologies developed for telework, eLearning and telecare. The EU funded project helps to bring together the best practices in the three key digital areas in order to determine their success factor, scale-up and transferability potential.

ACCESSIBILITECH has published a new survey that seeks to gather the general public’s opinion, level of awareness and general needs regarding accessible technologies. The survey can be quickly filled in ten minutes and can be accessed here

ACCESSIBILITECH  project includes a series of activities aimed at improving access to all people to knowledge about accessible technologies as well as to available products and services. The survey will help the project learn more about the current picture of teleworking, telecare and e-health.