From theory to practice: IE+ partners take next steps towards supporting decision-makers to make evidence-based policy for inclusive education

Between 1st-5th April partners of the IE+ project hosted a training workshop in Sofia where they set the foundation for their training course that will support the creation of evidence-based policies for inclusive education.

Between 1st-5th April the partners of the ‘Promoting positive attitudes and evidence-based policy for inclusive education’ (IE+) project met in Sofia for their third transnational project meeting and trainer workshop. The meeting provided a first opportunity for project partners and trainers to come together to discuss the next steps of how they can together design and deliver a number of interactive training courses which will support the realisation of inclusive education across Europe.

Developed with the intention of providing decision makers to with the information, training and tools that allow for evidence-based policy making to support the transition towards inclusive education,the training course will target policy makers, such as ministers and authorities; education providers, including middle management and headmasters, as well as  those involved in the policy making process, such as teacher unions, parents organisations, student associations. The three-day course will explore a number of topics including:   

  • Legal and political frameworks that can support inclusion
  • The importance of evidence-based monitoring
  • The need for shifting attitudes and mindsets to ensure the effective implementation of inclusion in schools  
  • The impact of the school environment on inclusion
  • Funding mechanisms for Inclusive Education
  • The importance and impact of a good classroom design

The course will provide decision-makers with key tools and knowledge with which they can implement evidence-based policy, including how participants can use the Quality of Life Index for Inclusive Education which has been developed through the project.  

With a key goal of the project being to directly include all stakeholders in the training process the course will be developed and delivered alongside persons with disabilities, teachers, policy makers and parents to help stakeholders together shape the future policy making process in their regions.

Following this training workshop the project’s 10 professional trainers, from the National Association of Resource Teachers in Bulgaria, Kentro Koinonikis Frontidas Atomon Me Noitiki Ysterisi, Centro de Educação para o Cidadão com Deficiência, UNIA and Plena Inclusion will work with the project’s other partners the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities, Inclusion Europe, Ghent University and the University of Salamanca to translate and localise the training before each hosting a 3 day pilot session in Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal and Greece.

To find out more about the IE+ project, visit the project webpage here.

For more information about the training and its trainings please contact