• News, Technology

EURECO Forum 2021 report delivers key areas of impact of COVID 19 in the disability services sector

Read the new EURECO Forum 2021 report on the impact of COVID-19 on the digital transformations processes taking place in the disability services sector.

The fourth annual EURECO forum was held on 30th March, 2021 to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digital transformations processes taking place in the disability services sector. A report of the event and the key takeaways of the discussions is now available, you can read it here.  

The report gives an overview of the conference and how the speakers specifically highlighted the impact of digital transition when it comes to delivering services to persons with disabilities. Some of the conclusions shed light on the fact that this digital transition has also impacted research and the way it is conceptualised and implemented. To tackle the challenges that come with digitalisation, it is important to:  

  • encourage participatory design projects; 

  • codesign, and coproduction; 

  • enable the inclusion of more stakeholders (e.g., families) throughout the process; 

  • ensure that services are individualised and empower users; among other such steps; 

Some of the suggestions of the report also look at how service providers must think slightly outside of the box to deal with delivering services to persons with disabilities in this very digital environment.  

Since this forum encourages research, the report has suggestions on future study on digital transformation and its impact on services for persons with disabilities. One of the conclusions stresses the importance of shifting from a technology-centric approach to one in which digital technology is understood in a social and organisational context. This way more view points and a more holistic approach can be adopted.