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EQUALvet project design and test a vocational training programme

Have a look at a new training programme with an inclusive examination methodology created by EQUALvet project.

Training people with disabilities to excel in their jobs and build a life for themselves needs a proper method that is inclusive.  

EQUALvet project designed a vocational training program which includes evaluation procedures that are friendly toward the learning needs of people with intellectual disabilities in order to verify the acquisition of the skills and knowledge gained during their training and internship period. A certificate as a document isn’t only helpful to employers to feel reassured when hiring a new employee to fill a specialty position, but it also encourages the new professional to enter the competitive open labor market with confidence and ambition! These positive feelings are empowering for people with disabilities, who may self-stigmatize or feel insecure, because they feel proud as newly certified professionals and become more optimistic regarding taking the initiative and seeking vocational rehabilitation, tackling this way all the barriers created by stereotypes.

In June 2022, the learners with intellectual disabilities from MARGARITA (Greece), ARCIL (Portugal), and Fundació Mas Xirgu (Spain) participated in the exams of their training as Chef Assistants, Gardener Assistants, and Cleaners. The exams lasted 40 minutes and during this time the learners answered multiple-choice questions that were chosen randomly by TUV Hellas to ensure the credibility of the test. All the questions derived from the contents of the project’s training manuals and were linked with the vocational skills, as these were identified during the research phase of the EQUALVET project, the employer’s needs analysis regarding the specific job positions.

Making the training and evaluation inclusive revealed positive results and the participants were extremely happy with their certificates and expressed a genuine interest in the training programme.