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EHECADI Project advances towards launch of innovative Knowledge Hub

On May 23-24, the partners of the EHECADI project met in Nicosia, Cyprus to discuss the upcoming launch of their Knowledge Hub.

On May 23-24, the partners of the European Health Care Final Dissertation (EHECADI) project met in Nicosia, Cyprus, to discuss the upcoming launch of their innovative digital, international, and collaborative Knowledge Hub. This platform aims to serve Higher Education Institutions and healthcare students, fostering an interconnected academic community.

Launched in 2022, the EHECADI project aims to support healthcare students from various disciplines—nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and nutrition and dietetics—in tackling broad societal health issues. These issues include healthcare equity, epidemic preparedness, underinvestment in healthcare workers, and the health needs of migrant populations. The project leverages an online Community of Practice to facilitate knowledge sharing between academia and other stakeholders, identify societal needs, and identify international final graduate dissertations to address these issues. Additionally, a co-designed digital open course will equip healthcare students with responsible research practices and enhance their digital and transversal skills. The course will empower students to become globally-minded citizens, who are more sensitised to societal needs and with improved employment opportunities.

During the meeting in Cyprus, the project's eight partners concentrated on finalising the EHECADI Knowledge Hub for its public launch. Partners focused on ensuring the usability of the project's tools for Higher Education professionals and their students, including features that help students identify and submit potential final dissertation topics.

As the project enters its final six months, the partners also focused on outreach to other higher education institutions to strengthen the EHECADI network. This expansion aims to ensure that healthcare curricula across Europe better equips students to be prepared for the challenges of the workplace through their final dissertations and broader studies.

Find out more about the project here.

Note to editors:

The European Health Care Final Dissertation (EHECADI)  project is a Erasmus+ funded project bringing together the following partners:  Fundacio Universitaria Balmes (Coordinator); Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy; European University Cyprus, South East Technological University, Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa; Fundació TICSalut; ODISEE; European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities. To find out more about the project, click here.