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EDF is collecting your experiences at the workplace for EDF’s Human Rights Report

In order to get more of a holistic understanding of challenges and opportunities people with disabilities face, EDF has opened a call for applications for persons with disabilities to submit their personal experiences at the workplace.


The European Disability Forum is on a look out for the good and bad experiences that people with disabilities face in employment to better understand barriers they face at work. Collection of these personal stories will help in contributing towards EDF’s 7th Human Rights Report on employment of persons with disabilities.

You can submit your application here

The camapign was started on 29th March and will be open to applications till 6 weeks from then. The applicants can submit their answers in their preferred language.

The testimonies will be collected solely for the purpose of the Human Rights Report on employment of persons with disabilities. The report will give a state of the art of the employment situation in the different EU Member States and the different policies that are already in place to promote the employment of persons with disabilities.