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EDF Disability Intergroup has published its newsletter on promoting disability rights in EU institutions

In the foreground, three EU flags waving; in the background, coloured flags of countries wave from a building.

The April issue of EDF Disability Intergroup's newsletter is available to learn more about their recent advocacy activities in Europe.

EDF Disability Intergroup has just released their April issue of its newsletter to update allies of persons with disabilities on their recent activities.

Established in 1980, EDF Disability Intergroup advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities in Europe through the European Parliament. Its members work to advance the rights of persons with disabilities by organising debates with EU institutions and drafting parliamentary initiatives.

The latest newsletter  includes the report of the meeting EDF Intergroup set up with representatives of the administration in the European Parliament (EP), to discuss the accessibility of the EP as a public institution and its inclusiveness as an employer. Moreover, individual members of the intergroup carried out a variety of activities to promote disability rights and necessities. Read their April issue to find out more!