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EASPD signs Social Services Europe letter calling on EU institutions regarding crisis in Ukraine

Signing the SSE open letter to EU institutions, EASPD wishes to raise awareness regarding social service provision in and around Ukraine in context of the current crisis.

On 4th March 2022, EASPD signed the open letter written by Social Services Europe addressing EU institutions in a bid to raise awareness about social service provision to vulnerable people impacted by the current situation in Ukraine. This includes people in Ukraine as well as neighbouring countries that will witness a mass influx of people entering from the region.

The war in Ukraine has put a big question mark on social service provision in and around the region. Therefore, this letter calls upon the Council of European Union, the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the French Presidency of EU Council to look at the problems of social service provision for persons in need in Ukraine, with the conditions for humanitarian assistance to all civilians impacted and support to internally displaced persons or (soon to be recognised) refugees from Ukraine.

Read the whole letter here .

As an EU-level umbrella organisation for social service provider representatives across Europe, SSE urges:

  • The European Union and its Member States to promote and guarantee that international humanitarian law and human rights are respected and implemented in Ukraine and bordering countries, to ensure the impartial provision of humanitarian aid to all, the safety and freedom of movement of humanitarian workers, the protection of all civilians and refugees, in particular people in the most vulnerable situations.
  • All decision-makers to consider the situation of the Ukrainian people, in particular those with specific support needs, relying on targeted social services who may be less able to flee. Targeted, actionable, concrete EU measures are needed to ensure that these people have safe passage, for instance, through humanitarian corridors to ensure their safe passage to more secure regions where they can then benefit from the support they need.
  • The European Union and its Member States to protect and support all people, including the most vulnerable, irrespective of their age, nationality, state of health, or any other similar criteria, to safely flee and find shelter in neighbouring countries and throughout the Union. Discrimination of any form should not be tolerated.

The European Union to offer financial support for humanitarian and medical materials and equipment, and expertise to Ukraine and organisations active in protecting vulnerable people and those with specific support needs.