• News, Funding of Social Services

EASPD Policy Café - A new Helpdesk: what is needed to help you better access EU funds?

EASPD Policy Café - A new Helpdesk: what is needed to help you better access EU funds?

20th May, at 10:00 AM CEST. Contact info@easpd.eu to register for the event.

EASPD Policy Café - A new Helpdesk: what is needed to help you better access EU funds?
20th May, at 10:00 AM CEST.

Contact info@easpd.eu to register for the event.

Policy Café is EASPD’s way of updating its members on current developments in specific EU policies and to collect feedback from them. This feedback is used by the EASPD policy team when responding to EU initiatives on these policies.

In our next Policy Café, we will address the issue of EU Funds – particularly the European Social Fund.

The European Institutions have recently agreed the new EU budget for the next 7 years; including the European Social Fund+, the European Regional Development Fund and others. Your national authorities are currently negotiating how these funds will be used with the European Commission.

EASPD – together with European umbrella networks and the European Commission– is looking at setting up a EU Funds Helpdesk in order to:

  • Help inform social services about how to use these different EU funds.
  • Advise the national Managing Authorities on how to use these different EU Funds.
  • Develop simplification and facilitation tools in order to ease the use of EU Funds in the social sectors.

The aim of this Policy Café is therefore:

  • To briefly present to you some of the new European programmes (ESF+, ERDF, React-EU)
  • To ask you about your main barriers in using these European programmes for your projects (ESF+, ERDF, React-EU) and what solutions are needed

This will help to guide EASPD in identifying the priorities for this Helpdesk, which as a result will aim to find solutions to your barriers and create a more enabling environment for accessing EU funds for social projects.

Contact info@easpd.eu to register for the event! 

Please note that this meeting is for EASPD members only!





Luk Zelderloo, Secretary General, EASPD


Presentation of the EU Programmes (ESF+, ERDF, React-EU)
Thomas Bignal, Head of Policy, EASPD


Open floor for feedback


Presentation of the Helpdesk Concept
Thomas Bignal, Head of Policy, EASPD


Open floor for feedback
We welcome your response on any of the below questions and any other feedback you may have.
• What would help you better access EU Funds such as the European Social Fund+ or the European Regional Development Fund?
• What are the main barriers in accessing EU Funds such as the European Social Fund+ or the European Regional Development Fund? • Are they at service provider level?
• Are they at public authorities level?
• Are they at EU level?
• What would be most effective in tackling these barriers in accessing EU Funds?


Concluding Remarks & Next Steps
Luk Zelderloo, Secretary General, EASPD