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EASPD and 140+ Organisations urge EU for future-proof solutions for displaced Ukrainians

The letter presses for actions to prevent the risks of undocumented status, loss of residence, and undue pressure on migration systems.

EASPD, along with over 140 civil society organisations, has signed an urgent appeal to the European Union (EU) advocating for robust, future-proof policies to aid people displaced from Ukraine. As the temporary protection in the EU is nearing its expiration on March 4, 2025, there is a critical need for a coordinated response to prevent millions from losing their rights and access to essential services.

The signatories of the letter, which include a wide range of European and international organisations, are pressing for timely, collective, and coordinated actions to manage the transition from temporary protection. This approach aims to prevent the risks of undocumented status, loss of residence, and undue pressure on migration systems.

Particularly vulnerable groups such as individuals with disabilities or those needing care/providing care to others are highlighted, emphasising the importance of inclusive solutions that cater to all displaced people's needs. The letter is a call to action to avoid fragmented national responses, which could lead to unequal rights and added uncertainties for displaced individuals.

The letter proposes several solutions to address the challenges faced by people displaced from Ukraine as their temporary protection nears expiration:

  1. Coordinated Transition: It calls for the EU to act now to plan and coordinate the transition out of temporary protection. This proactive approach is aimed at preventing unsafe returns to Ukraine, loss of residence status, and undue pressure on migration systems.

  2. Participation: The letter emphasizes the importance of keeping displaced individuals informed and involved in discussions about their future, ensuring they understand the options available to them.

  3. Future-Proof Solutions: Durable solutions that offer at least the same standard of rights as temporary protection and cover the same groups of people. These solutions should also be informed by the needs and experiences of displaced people as well as the insights of civil society and other stakeholders assisting them.

  4. Common EU Response: To avoid disparities in how rights are upheld across different EU member states, the letter urges a common and coordinated EU response. This approach would prevent individuals from having to navigate varying national legislations, which could lead to secondary movements and increased uncertainty.

  5. Access to Various Residence Permits: The letter suggests that member states should ensure access to a range of residence permits based on different grounds such as asylum, work, non-refoulement principles, and private life, to accommodate the diverse needs of displaced individuals.

For more information or to support this cause, please consult the official letter.