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Driving Inclusive Employment: Insights from CO-RESP Project's Transnational Events

In March, the CO-RESP partners held two events in Brussels: a Transnational Project Meeting and the project's closing conference.

In March, the CO-RESP Project partners came together in Brussels to host two events which aimed to advance the agenda for socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) with the European Union as well as foster inclusive employment opportunities for marginalised populations, particularly persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups. 

These events were the CO-RESP Transnational Project Meeting and the CO-RESP Final Conference: Maximising the Use of Social Procurement.   

CO-RESP Transnational Project Meeting: Charting the Course for Sustainable Progress 

On Thursday, 21st March 2024, partners convened at the CO-RESP Transnational Project Meeting to reflect on the project's progress, address risks and challenges, and chart the future of SRPP initiatives. The meeting provided an opportunity to assess deliverables under various work packages, including project management, social economy missions, and local roundtables. Discussions centred on lessons learned, quality assurance, and recommendations for replication, highlighting the imperative of sustained collaboration, capacity-building initiatives, and holistic approaches to procurement. 

Integral to the project's legacy is the establishment of an active community of practices, fostering knowledge-sharing, networking, and ongoing engagement to amplify the impact of SRPP initiatives across Europe. By confronting challenges, leveraging lessons learned, and embracing a forward-looking perspective, stakeholders reaffirmed their dedication to creating inclusive, sustainable, and resilient economies that leave no one behind. 

CO-RESP Final Conference: Maximising the Use of Social Procurement 

The CO-RESP Final Conference, held on Friday, 22nd March 2024, provided a platform to assess the impact of SRPP initiatives and exchange best practices. Convening stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including local authorities, social enterprises, and public procurement experts, the event showcased success stories in the use of SRPP across a number of countries. Demonstrations highlighted how social clauses embedded in procurement contracts have facilitated the inclusion of persons with disabilities and disadvantaged individuals in the workforce. However, challenges such as data collection discrepancies, cultural barriers, and resistance from employers underscored the need for concerted efforts to overcome obstacles to inclusive hiring practices. 

Increasing awareness and capacity-building initiatives among stakeholders, fostering public-private partnerships and integrating environmental considerations into procurement processes were all provided as key steps that need to be taken to increase the adoption of SRPP. Recommendations put forth by stakeholders emphasised the importance of establishing clear policy frameworks, fostering collaboration between public and private sectors and adopting a holistic approach to SRPP that addresses both social and environmental objectives. 

To watch the final event, click here.  

To read the full conference report, click here.

As the journey continues beyond the confines of conference halls and meeting rooms, the spirit of collaboration and innovation ignited by the CO-RESP project will endure, driving positive change and shaping the future of SRPP in Europe and beyond.