DIG-i-READY project hosts closing conference in Brussels!

Completing their 2 year commitment to making vocational education and training (VET) in Europe more digitally inclusive, the DIG-i-READY project partners closed the project in the last week of November. In the midst of the pandemic, this project was created to ensure guidance for educators and key stakeholders in VET to switch online in an inclusive manner during any crisis period.
The project partners came to Brussels to conduct their last project meeting on 30th November along with the closing conference where a variety of service providers and policy makers came together to learn about this project. The project partners presented the two project results: Good Practices Catalogue and a Handbook. The catalogue presented practices that were gathered and ranked for their level of digital inclusion during the pandemic.
The Handbook serves as a guide for educators and policy makers on digital inclusion in VET. These presentations were followed by round table discussions and a policy panel to understand holistically the realities of inclusive VET in Europe. The event gave DIG-i-READY more view and space in the EU policy area, to understand better the future of the project and the needs being addressed.
The group of project partners from across Europe helped bring a heap of knowledge that was diverse and dynamic in reality. Finishing up the project, the project partners are hopeful to continue on DIG-i-READY, in a slightly different direction with a new project.