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The Lighthouse Network goes to Spain!

The Member Fora on PCT and Inclusive Living joined forces and organised a study visit to ATAM in Spain.

EASPD's Lighthouse Network was created to encourage our members to share solutions and learn from each other. The network promotes peer learning by bringing together EASPD members with certain expertise, and others who would like to improve their knowledge and capacity.

Last week, the Member Fora on Person centred technology and Inclusive Living joined forces and organised a study visit to ATAM in Madrid, Spain.  A total of 16 participants from 8 different organisations, based in Iceland, Malta, Greece, Slovakia, Armenia, Italy, Belgium and Spain met ATAM’s team and learnt more about their work.

The first stop of the visit was their clinical centre. At the centre they consider health as the well-being of the person and not only the absence of disease. ATAM has designed an integrated method where specialists can evaluate and patient and provide a tailored solution in a single visit. Participants had the chance to understand this service better by visiting the premises followed by a brainstorming session on how it could be replicated in other countries.

Next, was ATAM’s most innovative project- ViveLibre! ViveLibre is a technological platform that provides support solutions in personal autonomy and health care for people with disabilities and support needs. With the use of a smartwatch, a mobile app and wireless devices at home, the platform offers services such as: tracking the location of the user in real time, monitoring biomedical variables, access to clinical reports, analysing sleep and level of activity as well as a 24hours call centre in case of a serious incident. During the visit, participants had the chance to explore the devices first hand, see the technological system behind the platform and receive a demonstration of the app in action.

During their second day in Spain, the group visited DFA Foundation in Zaragoza. The foundation is a daycare centre, residency and employment centre. DFA supports people with physical disabilities to work at ViveLibre’s call centre. Participants visited the foundation premises and learnt about two ongoing projects that implement the technology of ViveLibre: RUMBO and Apoyos Conectados.

The visit to ATAM and DFA Foundation was inspiring for all the participants. There was no doubt about the potential of technology to foster independent living and empower people with disabilities.