• News, Technology

DDSkills project develops handbook on digital skills for professionals who support persons with disabilities and mental health problems

The DDSkills project has published their second newsletter with an update on the development of their handbook on cutting edge digital skills for professionals who support persons with disabilities.

The rapid technological advances of the past decades have triggered a dramatic progress in technology usage for assistive and training purposes. Since true inclusiveness, and deinstitutionalization process pass through all the professionals involved in the care of persons with disabilities, from the lowest levels to the highest ones, there is an increasing need to integrate existing skills, with new approaches and digital competences, able to properly meet these new challenges. DDSKILLS project, aims to develop an Alliance for developing a new and up to date training curriculum to respond to the needs of care service beneficiaries and properly take advantage of new opportunities offered by technologies.

Launched in 2020 the DD Skills project aims to develop a training course to enhance digital competences of professional caregivers so they can make better use of new technologies and support persons with disabilities and their families in the use of those technologies. In August 2021 the project partners published their second project newsletter, to read the newsletter in full read it, click here.    

The newsletter provides an update on the development on the DD Skills handbook, which will provide professionals who support persons with disabilities and health problems with the knowledge and guidance on the use of cutting-edge digital skills. The aim of the handbook is to provide learners with background knowledge on new technologies in health and social care.

In addition to the DDSkills project news, the project consortium selected serval articles and other research materials to provide information on new technologies and social services.

For more information on the project, visit the project website here. The DD Skills project will be presenting their training materials during a workshop at EASPD’s Conference: ‘The future is now: Person Centred Technology to empower people and disability services’ on 13th October. To find out more about the conference, click here.