• News, Technology

DDS-MAP project partners meet in Croatia

Photo from the meeting of the DDS-Map project partners, in Croatia. Everyone is huddled together and posing.

The Dynamic Digital Skills for Agility and Resilience in Medical and Allied Professions was officially presented at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek.

The Dynamic Digital Skills for Agility and Resilience in Medical and Allied Professions (DDS-MAP) project came into being as a result to a destabilised world driven by climate change, rapid mass migration, food insecurity, state failures and epidemics. The project forms a Pan-European partnership consisting of Higher Education Institutions (Medical, Nursing, Education and Digital Technology), NGOs, health authorities and health insurers across the EU), in order to address the use of digital and electronic technologies in the multi-disciplinary healthcare environment and the challenges it brings.

On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, DDS-MAP was officially presented at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek. The project leaders of the partner institutions - Prof. Ph.D. John Wells, Dean of the Faculty of Health Studies at South East Technological University (Ireland), prof. Ph.D. Majda Pajnkihar, Head of Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Maribor, and prof. Ph.D. Martina Smolić, Associate Dean for Science and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health at the University of Osijek - spoke about the objectives of the project and the expected outcomes of its implementation.

There are 4 specific objectives to the project:

  • To map the provision of available digital skills (literacy, digital transformation, cybersecurity, online communication) of the health workforce at local and European level to increase digital competency of healthcare workers.
  • To enable healthcare managers to better respond to current and emerging healthcare issues (cybersecurity, surge management, supply management).
  • To enable healthcare workers to effectively plan, deliver, monitor, and evaluate digital health care approaches and their well-being and resilience through adaptation of digital skills.
  • To engage with regulatory authorities and professional associations to promote micro learning and credentials accreditation for the acquisition and recognition of digital skills.

To know more the DDS-MAP project, please visit - dds map.easpd.eu/.