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Contribute to the FRA's online survey on persons displaced from Ukraine 

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has launched its online survey on persons displaced from Ukraine and is looking for participants to complete it. 

EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has launched its online survey on persons displaced from Ukraine and is looking for participants to complete it. 

Are you now in the EU after having fled the war in Ukraine? What was it like for you arriving in the EU? Could you find a place to live, a school or get a job? How were you treated?

FRA, the EU's centre for protecting and promoting human rights, wants to hear about your experiences.

The survey will collect the views and experiences of people fleeing the war in Ukraine. It addresses a wide range of issues related to their stay in the EU, including access to employment, education, housing, healthcare, language learning and other issues affecting their social and economic integration.

The outcome of the survey will inform the EU and its Member States as well as the organisations working with the displaced persons on the current situation. In response, relevant projects and legislation can then be initiated to help support persons fleeing from the war in Ukraine.

The survey can be directly accessed via the following links:

Complete the survey in English  Complete the survey in Ukrainian  Complete the survey in Russian

The survey will remain active for about 4 weeks. Further information on the survey can be found here.

For any questions, please contact Karel Fric at Karel.Fric@fra.europa.eu.