Call for Tender: Website development for Helpdesk project

For the Helpdesk project on EU funds, EASPD is looking for a web development professional/agency to create the project website.

Web developer to create an information portal for EU funds for social services for the Helpdesk project.

EASPD is the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities. We are a European not-for-profit organisation and represent over 20,000 social service provider organisations across both Europe and disability. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.

Tender specification

The Helpdesk consortium is currently looking for a web development professional/agency to create the Helpdesk website. The website will be the main platform through which users will be able to ask for support and advice in terms of accessing and using EU funds, find trainings and materials on EU funding as well as access information on the project itself.

The main framework of the website should be up and running by December 2022.

HELPDESK – EU funds for social services is a 2-years project funded by the European Commission (May 2022 – April 2024) which aims to launch the building blocks for a Social Services Helpdesk.  The proposed Helpdesk will have two main priorities:

  1. to support social services in accessing and using EU funds (ESF+, ERDF and ReactEU in particular);
  2. to help Managing Authorities use EU funds (ESF+, ERDF and ReactEU in particular) to finance quality interventions in the field of social services.

The project is run by a consortium made up of 16 partners, including 11 European and 5 national organisations, with the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) as coordinator.

Main elements of work


The website must be simple, informative, accessible and interactive. The website should include the possibility to add videos, infographics, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and be made available in all EU languages. Other features might be requested at a later stage.

Subject to discussion, the general outline of the website should be as such:

2.1 Homepage

he homepage will include the header containing the project’s logo and the site’s navigation menu. The  menu will be divided in five main sections:


  • Helpdesk support
  • EU funds
  • Knowledge sources
  • News and Events
  • Short content on the menu that makes clear what site users should expect when clicking on each section will be developed.

The main page will also have a slider containing highlighted content that will guide users to the latest publications, the latest and latest news and events.

Main Body

For each of the above-mentioned headers there will be a drop-down menu:

  1. Home
    • About the project
    • The Consortium
    • Leaflet for dissemination
  2. Helpdesk support
    • Advice and support (under this section one/two forms to be filled by users when asking for support will need to be developed)
    • The support team
  3. EU funds

    • Eu funds
    • Open calls
    • Geographical map
  4. Knowledge sources

    • Manual, guidelines, tips
    • Trainings
    • MOOC
  5. News and Events

    • News
    • Events


The footer will containthe main contact information and the links to social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin).

2.2 Main features of the website

The website content and structure should guarantee the following three main features:

  1. Be high accessible for users
  2. Be flexible to ensure constant editing of the website
  3. Be easy-to-use and update for someone with little website management experience (possibly get access to the back-end page)
  4. It will be extremely important to ensure these three key characteristics since the website aims to be developed while most of the contents still need to be produced.

Expertise required

The web developer(s) will be expected to demonstrate that they have:

  • Proven knowledge of Website development
  • Experience of developing websites for the social sector, such as NGOs
  • Experience with website accessibility
  • Ability to work in English
  • Ability to create the website within the deadlines proposed, with weekly input from EASPD and other organisation’s staff

The web developer(s) will be selected on the basis of the clear evidence they provide of how they meet the criteria listed under expertise required.

The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer represents the best value for money, taking into account the selection criteria. The contract will only be awarded to a tenderer who clearly proves that they have knowledge, experience and expertise which match 100% of the selection criteria.

Selection and award criteria

The applicant(s) should submit the following documents until 15st September 2022; 23:59 CET:

  • A motivation letter describing your expertise and explaining why you are the right candidate(-s) for the assignment (not more than 1 page).
  • A technical proposal explaining how you plan to develop the different materials with timeline, working methodology, budget (and criteria to define it e.g. for layout of documents that are still to be produced)
  • CV, including a list of previous related projects.

Only selected candidates will be contacted.

Content of the bids

The tenderer will ensure that their bid clearly identifies how they meet the selection criteria.

Response to application: 18th September 2022 

Payments and standard contract

Payment will be made on receipt of validated deliverables. The Contract will be drawn up between EASPD and the contractor.


The estimated price will be 10,000 – 12,000 EUR including taxes.  Price is negotiable to a certain extent.

Full payment will be made after the official launch of the website.

The Contract will be drawn up between the project coordinator (EASPD) and the contractor.

The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer represents the best value for money, taking into account the quality of submitted document and individual expertise. The contract will only be awarded to a tenderer who clearly proves that they have knowledge, experience and expertise which match at least 70% of the selection criteria.

Contact Details

Please send bids to Fabiana Scarano, EASPD Junior Policy and Project Officer: Selected applicant is expected to take on the assignment right after the conclusion of the selection process.

Data Privacy Statement      

  • EASPD commits to carefully handle the privacy and data protection of natural persons whose personal data are processed by EASPD.
  • EASPD only processes the personal data in a way that is compatible with the purposes for which the data were collected.
  • Personal data is collected to facilitate the tender process. Data given to EASPD is included in the CV you need to submit for your application to be considered.
  • EASPD takes appropriate measures to ensure your personal data is not kept for longer than necessary for the intended purposes. That is why your CV will not be kept by EASPD after the tender process is finished.

Funded by the EU’s Technical Support Instrument and implemented in cooperation with the European Commission