Call for Tender: Website development and visual identity design for DDS-MAP Project

For the DDS-MAP project, EASPD is looking for a web development professional/agency and graphic designer to create the project website and design the project's visual identity and logo.

Dynamic Digital Resilience for Medical and Allied Professions in Health Services (Acronym: DDS-MAP) is a new 30-months project (Feb 2023 – July 2025) funded by the European Commission under EU4Health program which aims to facilitates knowledge and skills training in the mastery of new and emerging digital technologies and their associated challenges among medical and allied professions in health care services. The project also proposes -   

  1. to build and deliver a platform of generic learning modules that can be adapted to the needs of multiple disciplines. 

  2.  to utilize the benefits of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for the delivery of content integrated with a centralised learning platform.  

The project will be run by a consortium made up of 15 partners, with the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) as lead of dissemination. 

1. Tender specification

The DDS-MAP consortium is currently looking for a web design and development professional/agency/graphic designer to create the Project website as well as design the project's visual identity and logo. The website will be the main platform through which users will be able to access different activities, outputs, results, and information of the project.  The provider will also need to produce a coherent visual identity as well as a logo for the project.

The main framework of the website with static content with the designed visual identity should be up and running by April 2023

2. Content to be developed 

2.1 Website 

The website must be simple, informative, accessible and interactive. The website should include the possibility to add videos, infographics, e-learning platform integration and be made available in major EU languages. Other features might be requested at a later stage.  

Subject to discussion, the general outline of the website should be as such:  


The homepage will include the header containing the project’s logo and the site’s navigation menu. The menu will be divided in different section header:  

  • Home 

  • Learning platform 

  • Training modules 

  • Results 

  • Communication 

  • Contact 

Each section should have interactive content with graphic visuals and simplified language that make it clear for site users to understand the core message. The contractor should follow the project corporate identity.   

The main page will also have a slider containing highlighted content that will guide users to different tabs. 


For each of the above-mentioned headers there will be a drop-down menu: 

  • Home 

  • About the project 

  • The Consortium 

  • Beneficiaries 

  • Timeline 

  • Leaflet for dissemination 

  • Learning platform 

  • About the learning platform 

  • Curriculum & Training modules 

  • English modules 

  • Translated modules 

  • Results 

  • Manual, guidelines, tips 

  • Trainings 

  • MOOC 

  • Communication 

  • News 

  • Events 

  • Newsletter 

  • Contact  

  • Contact details 

  • Get in touch 


The footer will contain the main contact information and the links to social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, newsletter). 


2.2 Main features of the website 

The website content and structure should guarantee the following four main features: 

  • Be high accessible for users in both web and mobile environment 

  • Be aesthetic in terms of design and visual storytelling 

  • Be flexible to ensure constant editing of the website 

  • Be easy-to-use and update for someone with little website management experience (possibly get access to the back-end page) 

It will be extremely important to ensure these four key characteristics since the website aims to be developed while most of the contents still need to be produced. 

2.3 Creation of a visual identity and logo 

The chosen provider will also be responsible for the creation of a coherent visual identity and logo for the project. This would include the following:

  • Logo design

  • A style guide

  • A document template

  • A PowerPoint template

  • A Report cover template


The applicant(s) should submit the following documents -- 

  • An official letter with contact details 

  • A technical offer (no more than 25 pages) 

  • Financial offer 

  • CVs, of the expert/team members. 

Deadline for application: 20th January 2023 

Response to application: 27th January 2023 

Selection criteria

The chosen provider(s) will be expected to demonstrate that they have: 

  1. Proven knowledge of Website development and visual identity design
  2. Experience of developing websites for the social sector (e.g. NGOs) and/or EU funded projects 
  3. Experience of creating accessible logos and a coherent visual identtity
  4. Experience with website accessibility for persons with disability 
  5. Ability to work in English 
  6. Ability to create the website within the deadlines proposed, with regular input from EASPD and other organisation’s staff 

The provider(s) will be selected on the basis of the clear evidence they provide of how they meet the required expertise listed above. 

The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer represents the best value for money, taking into account the selection criteria. The contract will only be awarded to a tenderer who clearly proves that they have knowledge, experience and expertise which match 100% of the selection criteria.  

Payments and standard contract

The estimated offer price can go up to EUR 10,000 including taxes. The offer price is negotiable to a certain extent. 

Upon signing the contract, the selected applicant is expected to take on the assignment in early February 2023.

Contact Details

Please send bids to Omor Ahmed, Project Officer at EASPD: with subject line DDS-MAP. 

Data Privacy Statement      

  • EASPD commits to carefully handle the privacy and data protection of natural persons whose personal data are processed by EASPD.
  • EASPD only processes the personal data in a way that is compatible with the purposes for which the data were collected.
  • Personal data is collected to facilitate the tender process. Data given to EASPD is included in the CV you need to submit for your application to be considered.
  • EASPD takes appropriate measures to ensure your personal data is not kept for longer than necessary for the intended purposes. That is why your CV will not be kept by EASPD after the tender process is finished.