Call for Tender: study on current and future use of Artificial Intelligence in social care service for persons with disabilities​

EASPD is looking for researchers to carry out a study on how AI in the future can support social services for persons with disabilities.

EASPD is the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities. We are a European not-for-profit organisation and represent over 17,000 social service provider organisations across both Europe and disability. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.

1. Tender specification

EASPD is looking for a Researcher/Research team to ​carry out a study​ ​on current and future use of Artificial Intelligence in social care service for persons with disabilities ​. 

2. Elements of work
  1. As part of its “MOVING FORWARD” Work Programme ​2024​ (Implementation of ​Task T2.5)​, EASPD is looking for a Researcher/Research team to team to ​carry out a study​  ​on current and future use of Artificial Intelligence in social care service for persons with disabilities​.  

  2. Background: In recent years, the rapid rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is catalysing transformative changes across many sectors, and social care is no exception in the big picture. The sector which has a workforce size of more 11 million people in the EU provides essential service to people with disabilities and older persons, as well as many other disadvantaged individuals, is standing in the crossroad of two paradigm shifts; firstly, due to transition to Human Rights-based approaches, as well as due to the advent of digital and emerging technologies that can be applied in innovative ways. The potential use of generative AI can play a crucial role in improving the personalization of care and support, improving the allocation of resources to make social care and support more accessible, efficient and person-centered, as well as improving the quality of social care and support jobs. However, these changes might bring with it many critical challenges and pressing issues that service providers are not prepared to adequately address. The main issues include lack of well-trained staff, digital infrastructure, technical know-how, data privacy risks, etc.  In addition, according to research by the European Disability Forum, any misuse of AI can exacerbate the discrimination against people with disabilities. Against this backdrop, EASPD is interested in conducting a study to gather information and provide an understanding on the current and future applications of AI in social care and support sector, as well as to provide recommendations to Service Providers, Researchers and Policy-Makers. 

  3. In this context, EASPD would like thus to propose a study with the following objectives: 

  4. Provide an overview of the state of play and challenges for the implementation and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in social care and support services for persons with disabilities in Europe and beyond. 

  5. Explore examples of innovative and beneficial use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in social care and support services for persons with disabilities in Europe and beyond, focusing on how AI can improve the support provided, the quality of services and its organizational processes. 

  6. Provide recommendations for the responsible integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in social care and support services for persons with disabilities.  

  7. The scope of the study: 

  8. Analysing the state of play, challenges and potential impact of the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in support services for persons with disabilities. 

  9. Providing a short overview of the risks, standards, and regulations (e.g. EU AI act) of potential deployment of AI-based applications in support service provision for persons with disabilities. 

  10. Identifying promising best practices on the implementation and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in support services for persons with disabilities, primarily focusing on the improvements of the support provided, the quality of services and its organisational processes. Examples on data analytics and machine learning are considered very relevant.  

  11. Providing recommendations to service providers, policymakers and stakeholders on the responsible use and implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for support services for persons with disabilities. 

  12. The Researcher/Research team is expected to deliver: 

  13. A report containing the main findings of the study (around 30 pages long). 

  14. An executive summary (max. 2 pages). 

  15. An abstract (max. 150 words). 

  16. One page document with key messages for dissemination.  

  17. A first overview of the findings in a presentable format by [14/10/2024]. 

  18. Presentation of the findings to EASPD event.  


  • Deadline for application: ​10/07/2024​ 
  • Response to application: ​15/07/2024​ 
  • Selected applicants are expected to take on the assignment ​as soon as possible​.  
  • The deliverables are expected to be finalised by ​02/12/2024​ 
3. Expertise required

The researcher(s) will be expected to demonstrate: 

  • Proven experience in the theme of this study.  

  • Proven experience in coordinating international research projects and collaborative work;   

  • Solid academic and/or professional background with regards to the social service sectors;  

  • Experience in data collection, analysis and presentation;  

  • Wide network of contacts and entry-points for collecting data at national level in EU countries; the selected candidate should ensure the processing of national data in local language(s)  

  • Experience of writing accessible reports for an NGO and/or EU/national organisation leadership;  

  • Excellent command of English (written and oral)  

  • An operational approach to the integration of good management principles, including correct personal data management in line with the requirements of the GDPR. 

  • Only candidates from EU Member States are eligible for participating in the tender. 

4. Selection and award criteria

The applicant(s) should submit the following documents until ​10/07/2024​; 23:59 CET

  • A motivation letter describing your expertise and explaining why you are the right candidate(-s) for the assignment. 

  • A technical proposal explaining how you plan to conduct the research, including a review of what has already been done, a proposed methodology, a work plan, resources needed, budget, etc. The technical proposal can include suggestions for the publication of the final report in academic journals and other scientific publications, to be further discussed with EASPD. ​(Not more than 5 pages)​ 

  • CV, including the list of published articles, reports, studies if relevant. 

Only selected candidates will be contacted. 

5. Content of the bids

The tenderer will ensure that their bid clearly identifies how they meet the selection criteria. It would also be useful to see examples of previous work demonstrating their ability to write and present in English to a primarily NGO audience.  

6. Payments and standard contract

Payment will be made on receipt of ​Draft report​ and the ​Final report​, 40% and 60% respectively.  Only validated deliverables will be accepted and fully compensated. The Contract will be drawn up between EASPD and the contractor. 

7. Price

The estimated price is max. EUR ​17,000​, all taxes included. 

The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer represents the best value for money, taking into account the quality of submitted document and individual expertise. The contract will only be awarded to a tenderer who clearly proves that they have knowledge, experience and expertise which match at least 70% of the selection criteria.  

8. Contact details

Please send bids to ​Omor Dhali​, ​Project Officer​, European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD): ​​ 

9. Data privacy statement
  • EASPD commits to carefully handle the privacy and data protection of natural persons whose personal data are processed by EASPD. 
  • EASPD only processes the personal data in a way that is compatible with the purposes for which the data were collected. 
  • Personal data is collected to facilitate the tender process. Data given to EASPD is included in the CV you need to submit for your application to be considered.
  • EASPD takes appropriate measures to ensure your personal data is not kept for longer than necessary for the intended purposes. That is why your CV will not be kept by EASPD after the tender process is finished.