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Call for promising practices for independent living and deinstitutionalisation processes!

Photo of someone stacking three small wooden blocks on top of each other. The top block has a green phone symbol to indicate calling. The middle, second block has a red "at" symbol (@) to signify emailing. The last, bottom block has a blue mail icon to indicate postage. These are all to highlight this articles call for good practices.

The call for promising practices for independent living and deinstitutionalisation processes is now open. Contact us by 12 July 2023.

We have an exciting opportunity for you over the summer!

The European Commission will soon launch its guidance for Member States on independent living and inclusion in the community for persons with disabilities, a flagship initiative of the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. Within this scope, the EU Commission seeks to collect promising, positive practices and measures that implement the principles forindependent living for persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities and older persons with disabilities, and advance deinstitutionalisation processes in line with the UNCRPD.

EASPD aims to respond to this call to collect such practices from our members. Practices may be at national, regional, or municipal level, ranging from pilot project to large-scale intervention within broader reforms. The EU is the focus, but we are also looking for initiatives outside the EU. Practices should be linked to relevant areas for the guidance, around the following themesof intervention:

  • Approaches in national strategies and action plans for deinstitutionalisation to implement the principles of independent living in line with the UNCRPD 
  • Developing support in the community (prevention) and transitions to independent living 
  • Development and capacity building of care and support services workforce 
  • Support for self-sufficiency and autonomy to persons with disabilities 
  • Partnership and consultation 
  • Outreach to service users 
  • Awareness raising (changing mindsets and fighting discrimination) 

If you believe that your intervention may be of relevance to/fitting for/covers the themes at hand, we strongly encourage you to send your practice by email to Benedetta Galeazzi, EASPD Policy Assistant (benedetta.galeazzi@easpd.eu) by 12 July 2023. We will then evaluate whether the practice proposed meets the requirement criteria set out by the EU Commission and contact you for the next steps.

Please provide us with a short description of maximum 1 page (in English ideally) of the practice you would like to nominate, including details on:

  • its objectives 
  • policy framework 
  • implementation phase 
  • funding 
  • target audience 
  • outreach strategy 
  • evaluation process  
  • outcomes

Your submissions will be useful both for EASPD as a whole, as they can constitute a powerful advocacy and research tool to showcase the great ongoing work carried out in the sector, but also for your organisation individually, as the practice could be recognised as a good practice by the EU Commission in their Guidance to Member States, thus bringing an added value in terms of reputation and visibility.


  • Declaration of interest: 12/07/2023 
  • First feedback by EASPD: 17/07/2023

We look forward to receiving your applications!

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