BEYOND partners come together for online training on inclusive education

Between 17th -27th May the partners of the BEYOND project came together to host their online training course on inclusive education.

Between 17th -27th May the partners of the BEYOND project came together to host their online training course on inclusive education. The course, aimed at support service providers and professionals in the field of education, was held online over 6 half days.  

Bringing together the partners of the BEYOND project as participants and trainers, the course covered a number of topics that can support the realisation of inclusive education including:

  • Concepts of Inclusion, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Index for Inclusion;
  • The Concepts of Universal Design for Learning and Growth Mindset;
  • Co-teaching in Inclusive Settings;
  • Strategic Planning and Change Management;
  • How to develop a Partnership to in the move towards inclusion, and;
  • Person-centred Planning.

Despite being designed as an in-person training, partners quickly adapted the course for an online format. The online course represented the first time the training was implemented fully. Those interested in the BEYOND course can follow their Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) via EASPD’s D-Lot platform here. The course is currently available in English, with translations in Dutch, French, German, Finnish and Portuguese soon to follow!

To find out more about the BEYOND project and itsdeliverables, click here.