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B-WISE partners finish their trial run of their Training Curricula!

Screenshot of a Zoom call with 16 project partners.

The B-WISE project has finished the trial run of their Training Curricula for the WISE sector and has concrete next steps.

After the successful pilot implementation of the B-WISE Training Curricula for the WISE sector in 13 countries, the project partners gathered for an additional project meeting to discuss the results, revise all training materials, and to improve B-WISE’s Tutorial Toolkits for Teachers and Trainers.

During the session, partners explored crucial decisions about the content and publication format, discussed initial insights into the lessons learnt from the pilot phase, and agreed on a common approach for the revision of the final outputs. In the upcoming months, the B-WISE partnership will work on the formal recognition of each B-WISE Training Curriculum in the 13 participating countries and at European Level.

About the B-WISE project

B-WISE (Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises) is an Erasmus+ project that aims to develop a European strategy (Blueprint) to address the skills needs, especially regarding digital skills, in the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector.