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Applications for grants for our upcoming EASPD conference are now open!

EASPD will be offering grants to EASPD members to attend our upcoming conference in Malta on October 13-14, 2022.

As part of our upcoming EASPD conference “Quality of Life & Social Services: From words to Action”, EASPD will be offering grants to EASPD members to attend our conference in St. Paul’s Bay, Malta on October 13-14, 2022. The grant amount will be up to 400 EUR based on real costs and can be used to cover travel and/or accommodation costs.

Terms and conditions for eligibility of this grant

  • Grants will prioritize geographical diversity and members and observers from lower GDP countries (Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine)
  • Grants will be provided to EASPD members and observers
  • 1 person only per organization will be supported
  • The grant will be provided after the submission of the costs and proofs following the reimbursement procedures which will be sent to you if your grant application is approved. You may use the grant to cover the travel, hotel and subsistence costs.
  • Attendance to all EASPD meetings and events is required to receive the grant. This includes attendance to the:
  • Conference: 13th and 14th October
  • General Assembly: 15th October: 09.30-13.30
  • Member Fora Meetings: Taking place on the 12-13-14 October

To apply for a grant, we kindly invite you to fill in the following form by clicking here.

Deadline for applications is the 15th of July. We will shortly then get back to you with a response.

For more information about the conference, the programme and for registration, please visit: https://www.easpdconference.eu/