AMiD Project resources for helping migrants and refugees with disabilities
AMiD (Access to services for Migrants with Disabilities) project aimed to support an efficient management of the reception and integration of asylum seekers and migrants with disabilities in the EU.
Among some of the key resources, the AMid project published a Needs Assessment tool to empower NGOs and Local Authorities to assess and support with adequate responses migrants and refugees with disabilities in Europe. The project developed a targeted workshop to improve knowledge and responses of multidisciplinary professionals (NGOs staff): Local organisations working with migrants and refugees services, Disabled People organisations and Service providers for people with disabilities. AMiD also created a Community-Advisory Board (CAB), a permanent task-force able to support the modelling and valorisation of project results and to coordinate future common actions.
The project created tools to overcome a lack of a common approach among European Local Authorities and among Non-Governmental Organisations, Local authorities and European Union Agencies.
Below are the resources that NGOs and Local Authorities can use to aid migrants and refugees with disabilities :
Need Assessment Tool
This tool was created to support the efficient management of the reception and integration of asylum seekers and migrants with disabilities within the EU.
Training Modules
The training modules were created to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes of people exploring the field of migration with a focus on people with disabilities.
Module I-Disability and Migration: Policy and legal framweork at the European and international level
Module II-Disability and Migration: promising practices in the field
Module III-Towards personalised and integrated services
Module IV-Needs Assessment Tool and effective communciation
English GermanFrenchGreek Italian
Operative Module to Reach out to Authorities
Project Partners
- EASPD - European Association of Service provider for Persons with Disabilities - (Project Coordinator) - Belgium
- CARDET - Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology - Cyprus
- AER - Assembly of European Regions - France
- SOLIDAR - Belgium
- ChanceB - Austria
- EDF - European Disability Forum - Belgium
- Associazione ARCI - Italy
- AEBR - Assembly of European Border Regions - Germany
- PRAKSIS - Programs of development, social support and medical cooperation - Greece
- DPI Italia - Disabled People's International - Italy
- KVPS - Finland
- NCDP - National Confederation of Disabled People - Greece