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Aġenzija Sapport welcomes PCT member forum in Malta!

EASPD’s Person-centred Technology (PCT) Member forum organised a 2-day study visit in Malta hosted by Aġenzija Sapport, Malta.

Aġenzija Sapport in Malta welcomed a delegation of EASPD’s members from its PCT member forum within its Access to Communication and Technology Unit (ACTU) for a 2-day study visit. Participants who came from Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Austria and Greece, shared their knowledge, experience and best practices in the field of Assistive technology particularly in the field of Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) and Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT). On Tuesday November 30th, the visit began with an orientation with Sonia Tanti Independent Living Centre followed by an ice breaking session and group activity. Later, Dr. May Agius, Sharon Borg Schembri, Bernica Farrugia and Teodora Aleksic facilitated two separate workshops where the participants were briefed about the AAC and EAT equipment, it’s demonstration, and Q&A. 

On Wednesday 1st of December, participants exchanged experience and best practices about the professional assessments process and service delivery challenges offered by occupational therapists and physiotherapists. Later, EASPD’s PCT member forum’s Co-chairs Evert-Jan and May Agius facilitated a session to discuss about future work plan and possible collaboration

The study visit came to an end with closing remarks by Ruth Scibberas, CEO of Aġenzija Sapport.