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Ageing well and health self-management: SEURO Horizon 2020 Project wins award in Cannes!

The SEURO project gets recognised in Cannes and wins the Silver Eco and Ageing Well international award for their research in the field of ageing well.

How can European citizens with multi morbidities be helped to self-manage their health and age better? Researchers behind the Horizon 2020 project, SEURO have been recently awarded in Cannes, France, for providing an innovative solution to this issue. The project managed to win the prestigious “Silver Eco and Ageing Well” International Award as it was recognised as a key research project advancing innovation in the field of ageing well. During the celebration in the Palais des Festivals et des Congrés, a special mention was given also to the collaboration with industry partner IBM Europe for the ProACT and SEURO H2020 projects, for their work in the field of artificial intelligence and healthcare.

The SEURO project began in March 2021 and received a funding of €4 million by the European Commission to develop three digital self-assessment and recommendation tools. The aim of the tool is to help EU countries implement digitally integrated health and social care solutions for people with multiple diseases. ProTransfer, the first one, is a transferability self-assessment tool to measure organisations’ preparedness for digital tool transfer; ProBCF is a behavioural change framework to support people’s needs through digital solutions, while ProInsight is an artificial intelligence prediction model to assess the impact of a digital solution on health system performance.